Te Mahere Whakauka

The Hope Project

Te Mahere Whakauka is a nation-wide project aimed at creating lasting economic and environmental impact by developing the capacity of whānau and hapū-based enterprise across the regions of Aotearoa.


Nau mai, Haere mai!

Join us to put kindling on the self-sustaining fire during this time of urgent need for resilient job creation


The Mission

To develop the capacity of 32 whānau and hapū-based enterprises that each employ 50 people, to annually produce and plant 500,000 native seedlings and feed 200 whānau through market gardens, so that they can then roll this concept out regionally in the future and are self sustaining after 5 years.


Project Overview

Te Mahere Whakauka ia a nation-wide project to enable communities to resolve some of the major social, economic and environmental challenges of our times.

This ground breaking initiative proposes a practical, collaborative way to establish the capacity for Aotearoa to deliver multiple verified outcomes throughout the regions urgently during this crisis and sustainably moving forward.  It will respond to the need for job creation with a strategic investment approach that will deliver an a-political, open-sourced model that can scale efficiently in the future.


Impact & Outcomes

  • Create 1,760 sustainable jobs within 32 stand-alone hapū-based enterprises

  • Establish healthy, affordable housing solutions that can be sustainably financed by the jobs created

  • Engage in large-scale restoration planting focusing on restoring at-risk catchments and waterways

  • Grow healthy organic kai at scale for community consumption

  • Involve several strong collaborations between renowned NGO’s with proven abilities in capacity development

  • Provide hope and build resilience within communities and regions shattered in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Invest heavily in research, monitoring and evaluation – using data with technology to establish a robust return on investment model that can be replicated in the future


Additional Information

Please reach out via our contact page if you would like to ask any specific questions, otherwise you can download the executive summary and/or the full 100+ page proposal.